“Not Very Interesting”

What is interesting to read in the newspaper?

  • a threat in your area which eventually hurts no-one;
  • something that causes a few deaths just down the road from you; or
  • hearing of 100s and 1000s being killed somewhere else in the world?

This article:  Not very interesting talks of the people killed in Haiti’s recent hurricances and the lack of media interest. (Please click on links and read)

What about Christian Indians being killed in the east India state of Orissa. What motivates us to care (a bit)? Check out: Worse than ever. More background and comment here: Terror in Orissa.

Or have we been anaesthetised by seeing endless hours of violence and death on television?

I hope and pray that love and compassion will well up in our collective inner beings – and be moved to more than read and pray but to do what it takes to make a change and bring mercy and justice to the “poor, widows, and orphans”.
